5 Ways To Save Money On Your Heating Costs This Winter

DeniseB • November 20, 2014

As cold weather continues to approach, the winter chill may not be the only thing homeowners worry about. Instead you may feel a hole in your pocket from the rising energy bills. What many of us don’t understand is that there are ways to save on heating costs that are relatively inexpensive. So are you ready to save? Follow these 5 steps below to get started!

  1. Update your insulation . Insulation is a shield that protects your home from heat transfers during the winter and summer seasons. This may seem costly at first, but you can potentially save up to 20-30% off your monthly heating bill , which in return is a great investment!
  2. Replace the weather-stripping . Torn weather-stripping around doors and windows can let a cold draft into your home ultimately making your furnace work harder. Weather-stripping should be replaced every few years to ensure protection from the cold.
  3. Plug holes . The holes which are used to connect the pipeline, electrical cables, and so forth often have large space around them which allows cold air to enter your home. You should consider plugging these with caulk.
  4. Adjust your thermostat . During the time you are at work, you should adjust the thermostat down to 10 degrees lower. In doing so, you can potentially save up to 20% of your heating bill.
  5. Adjust your water heater . Most water heaters are set to 140 degrees. The department of energy says we can live comfortable with the water heater set to 120 degrees. Every 10 degrees you lower the water heat, you can potentially save up to 5%.

If you would like more information on ways to save, contact the experts in Maryland at Mr. Comfort !

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