What to Do When Your Heater Breaks Down

Denise Bernstein • October 27, 2023

What are Some of the Safety Issues to Consider When a Heating System Breaks Down?

There is never a good time for a heating system to break down. However, the worst case scenario would be for a heater malfunction in the middle of a freezing blizzard. There are some real dangers to be aware of to remain safe. Plus, several measures to take should this happen to your family.

There are several safety concerns to consider when a heater breaks down. Some can be quite hazardous to your loved ones, so it is important to be aware of the potential risks and address them immediately.

When a heater failure occurs on a cold winter day, the indoor temperatures can drop quickly. This could put loved ones at risk of hypothermia and increased susceptibility to illnesses. The very young and older inhabitants are more vulnerable to extreme cold temperatures.

Freezing plumbing pipes could burst. This can mean costly repairs. So it is important to have a plan in place for unforeseen breakdowns.

Keeping an Emergency Heating Kit on hand. Gather warm blankets, portable heater and contact information for your local heating repair company. This will be beneficial to keep your loved ones safe.

Carbon Monoxide Leaks is one of the most silent killers. This is because it is odorless and fatal if inhaled in high concentrations. If you have a gas heating system, a breakdown could lead to carbon monoxide leaks. If you suspect a leak, evacuate immediately and contact emergency services.

Electrical issues or malfunctioning component in your heating system can cause a fire hazard. If you smell something unusual or see smoke coming from the unit, turn off and disconnect the power to the heating system. Call the fire department as a precaution.

It is crucial to prioritize safety during heating system failures. Take prompt action to keep your home and family protected from any of the above hazards.

What are Common Causes of Heating System Failures?

There are a variety of factors that can cause a heating system to fail. It is important to identify the root of the problem as soon as possible. Some of the most common causes of a heater breaking down is lack of maintenance or faulty thermostats. This can lead to clogged air filters and a buildup of dirt and debris in the ductwork.

It could be that there is a pilot light or electric ignition system problem. This could prevent the heating system from starting or staying on. In addition, electrical component could be causing the heating failure. Things, such as faulty wiring, blown fuses or malfunctioning circuit breakers can cause a heating system to fail.

Other possibilities could be a fuel supply problem. This may be due to lack of fuel or gas line issues. A malfunctioning valve could also be the cause.

If you heating equipment is old, the components can degrade and become unreliable. They can also become inefficient and result in inadequate heat distribution throughout the home.

Heater malfunctions could be avoided by performing regular maintenance and repairs by a professional. Not only will this help prevent breakdowns, it could prolong the life and increase the efficiency of your heating system.

Call a heating repair technician to do a full assessment of your heating system so that you can be sure you have the right solution for your heating problem. A trusted professional will be able to give you the best options for your unique heat problems.


Other possibilities could be a fuel supply problem due to lack of fuel, gas line issue or a malfunctioning valve. If you heating equipment is old, the components can degrade and become unreliable. They can also become inefficient and result in inadequate heat distribution throughout the home.

These issues could all be avoided by performing regular maintenance and repairs done on your heating system by a professional. Not only will this help prevent breakdowns, it could prolong the life and increase the efficiency of your heating system.

Call a heating repair technician to do a full assessment of your heating system so that you can be sure you have the right solution for your heating problem. A trusted professional will be able to give you the best options for your unique heat problems.

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