Energy Saving Tips for Your Maryland Home

DeniseB • June 18, 2014

Energy Saving Tips for Your Maryland Home

During the cooler summer days, utilizing the mild temperatures can save you money on your energy bills.

Take advantage of the milder night temperatures by turning off your AC and opening the windows. The longer days of summer reduce the need for indoor lighting. Also, proper maintenance can make appliances run more efficiently. Another great way to reduce your energy consumption.

Here is a List of Energy Saving Tips:

  • Turn your water heater down to 120 degrees Fahrenheit (safer for children too!)
  • Operate your thermostat efficiently. Turn off your thermostat when possible, take off your storm windows, put in screens and open up the windows to get your house to a comfortable temperature.
  • Use windows to your advantage – Open to capture either hot or cool air at optimal time and close to trap in the air.
  • Use natural lighting as much as possible. Adjust any lights on a timer to spring lighting needs.
  • Dust or wipe light bulbs. Clean bulbs provide more light. Replace incandescent bulbs with compact florescent light bulbs. They can pay for themselves in a little over a year.
  • Use fans and ventilation. Check ceiling fans to be sure they are clean and in working order. For warmer months, draw air upward, cooling the room and ensuring constant airflow.
  • Keep your cooling system running efficiently. Schedule regular maintenance and read our last article.
  • Wash or replace furnace and air conditioner filters.
  • Clean the tracts on your sliding glass door as this will make sure your door’s seal is tight.
  • Clean your refrigerator condenser coils so that air can circulate freely.
  • Vacuum registers to remove any dust buildup.
  • Seal Cracks in your home by caulking or weather stripping to prevent air leakage.

These are just a few of the things you can do to reduce your energy bills, check out ENERGY.GOV form more energy saving ideas.

Mr. Comfort Heating and Air Conditioning LLC of Maryland can help get you’re air conditioning system ready for the heat, get in touch with us today!

 443-907-4782 |

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